Nursery (Under-6)
Nursery 2025
Training Times and Contacts for 2025
The nursery (under-6 Boys and Girls) will train on SUNDAY mornings, from 10:00am to 11:00am on the Astroturf in the club starting on SUNDAY MARCH 2nd.
Contact for the nursery is Eoin at 086 193 3774.
The nursery caters for Girls and Boys born in 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Football Nursery
☀️ Our GAA Nursery is back on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025! We can’t wait to welcome our future stars! Come join the fun, make new friends, and kickstart your GAA journey with us!
Bígí linn!
🗓️ Starting: Sunday, March 2nd
🕥 Time: 10:00 AM
📍Astroturf, Garrycastle
🧒 👧 For Boys & Girls (Ages 4-6)
️✅ Safe environment
️️✅ Learn football skills
️️✅ Make new friends
#FutureStars #GarrycastleGAA #OneClubOneFamilyOneCommunity
Nursery Calendar
Trophy Evening
Intermediate Cup at Nursery Group
The Westmeath Intermediate championship trophy, the Peter Geraghty cup, was brought along to meet our youngest players by Eoin Mulvihill, Eoin Monaghan and Michael Monaghan recently. A great evening was had by all, and huge thanks to the lads for spending the time with our future champions!
Nursery Event
Our nursery hosted its last "One Club, One Family, One Community" event of the year by welcoming community heroes, An Garda Síochána.
It was an absolutely brilliant day, with over 50 boys and girls having the opportunity to meet our local Gardaí and check out their top-class cars, SUVs, and motorbikes! Not only will we have future all-stars, but I suspect after today we will have future Gardaí in the club!
Thanks to everyone for making today so special, especially the Athlone Community Policing Unit, Athlone Gardai and the Westmeath Roads Policing Unit who gave up their time to ensure each child had a memorable day.
Nursery Blitz
The Garrycastle Nursery was thrilled to host Tubberclair for a friendly Under-6 blitz on Sunday morning. With over 50 young footballers participating in five exciting mini-matches, it was a fantastic event, and great fun was had by all. The football and teamwork skills honed throughout the year were on full display for everyone to enjoy.
After the games, players, parents, and coaches from both clubs enjoyed some welcome ice creams, generously sponsored by ETS.
Nursery Sports Day !
To celebrate the opening of our new gym at the weekend, the Garrycastle GAA nursery hosted a sports day.
From egg and spoon races to sack races, the children had a wonderful time.
Fairytale Nursery !
The nursery was transformed into a magical realm filled with wizards and witches, knights and ninjas. Everyone had an absolutely fantastic time, immersing themselves in fun activities and creating unforgettable memories.
New members always welcome. Contact Colman on (087) 3791647
Nursery Fun!
Garrycastle GAA Club Nursery in full swing on Sunday Morning! Great fun had by all!
Athlone Fire Brigade
The nursery welcomed the Athlone Fire Brigade on Sunday morning, making it a truly memorable day for both parents and kids alike. Special thanks to the firefighters who gave up their time to ensure a wonderful experience for each child.
Sam comes to Garrycastle!
Sam Maguire paid a surprise visit to meet our future all-stars on Sunday morning. Both young and old were excited when given the opportunity to hold such a prestigious trophy. It was truly a day to remember.
Earth Day
To mark "Earth Day", our football nursery group have started their own nursery by sowing seeds.
This supports the club's green initiative, and we look forward to an abundance of flowers on display around the club in the coming months.
Nursery Colouring Competition
Colouring Competition
Congratulations to all the nursery boys and girls who took part in our Easter colouring competition. We have some truly talented artists in our club!
A big thank you to Franco Doolan Carpentry for sponsoring this event and ensuring prizes for everyone!
Nursery kick-off, Feb. 25th
Nursery March 2024 (click on image to see all the photos)
The Garrycastle Nursery Pathway
Our nursery section is for boys and girls aged 4 to 6 years old and we concentrate on four major skills each year.
Under 5: Catch, ground kick, throw and bounce.
Under 6: Catch, punt kick, handpass and solo. In May/June (weather permitting) some of the under 6 training sessions will be on grass.
The Garrycastle Ethos
The emphasis is on participation and enjoyment – learning through fun. Our approach is to build confidence through encouragement while making the games as enjoyable as possible, following approved GAA coaching methods.
Our ethos is “having FUN, making new FRIENDS and learning new SKILLS in a SAFE environment for players and coaches.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Years
Nursery - Sept. 24th, 2023
The season is almost at a close, but still time for lots of fun down in Garrycastle Nursery this morning!
Garrycastle GAA Club Nursery Information
Training for this age group is normally on Sunday mornings, from 11:00am to 12noon.
During March up to September: Astroturf Pitch at Garrycastle GAA Club grounds
During October, November, January and February: AIT Multi-Purpose Indoor Hall (to be confirmed)
The purpose of the nursery is to introduce girls and boys to Gaelic games in a safe and fun environment.
Contacts for the nursery is Catríona Fagan on 087 698 2651. She will be assisted by a large team of mentors and parents. Mentors are Garda vetted and have completed a fitness to practise course. All parents are encouraged to get involved in helping out in the nursery; no experience is necessary, and a series of training courses will be provided.
Age Groups:
The nursery caters for children age 4-6 years old, born in 2018 or later.
Joining the Nursery:
If you want your child to participate in the nursery, simply come along any Sunday morning at 10.50 am and join in the fun. All children are welcome. If after a period of time, you decide you want your child to continue in the Nursery, then we would ask you to take out club membership, details of which are available on the website on the Registration page.
No specialist equipment needed, just comfortable clothing, a gum shield and a bottle of water. Parents/Guardians must stay for the entire session.
In Garrycastle GAA nursery girls and boys take part in the following activities:
Agility, balance and coordination.
Running, jumping and throwing.
Kicking the ball (left and right)
Bouncing (left and right)
Hand-passing (left and right)
Fun small sided matches
Further Information:
For more information please contact Catríona at 087 698 2651.
Garrycastle Junior Nursery players with Westmeath's 2019 silverware, the O'Byrne Cup and the Allianz NFL Div3 Trophy (Sunday June 9th)
Garrycastle and Westmeath player, James Dolan, brought the silverware won so far this year by the Westmeath team, the O'Byrne Cup and the Allianz NFL Div. 3 trophy, to Garrycastle on Sunday morning to show them to the Junior Nursery players.
Huge thanks to James for taking time time to bring the trophies to the club!
A happy bunch of the clubs youngest players with the Westmeath Silverware!
Sam Dolan proudly holds the NFL Division 3 trophy!
Something to dream of for these young players of the future!
Nursery fun in AIT ! (Sunday March 24)
The Garrycastle Under-6 / nursery group of boys and girls got a special treat on Sunday morning, with a special training session in the AIT International Arena!
(Click on photo to see a larger version)
Welcome back to all those that were involved in 2018, and a huge welcome also to all of those who are just beginning in 2019!
Nursery fun, Sunday November 25th, at the Indoor running track in AIT.
Click on the image to see more photos!
St. Patrick's Day Parade, Athlone!
The Under-6 group marched proudly in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Athlone this year.
For details and photos, please see the St. Patrick's Day page!
New Kit Sponsorship from Grovelands Childcare, Athlone!
The Under-6 group will have an all new kit this year, sponsored by Grovelands Childcare, Athlone!
Photo shows Mark Redmond (underage chairman, Garrycastle GAA Club), being presented with the new kit by Regina Bushell and Deirdre Bushell of Grovelands Childcare, Athlone
Under-6 End-of-year party, Bowling Alley, October 19th
The Under-6 group held their annual end-of-year party in the Bowling Alley on Monday evening.
Under-6 Football Blitz, Garrycastle, September 12th
We held our first home under-6 blitz in Garrycastle on Saturday morning, with teams from Athlone and the Moate All-Whites in attendance. Despite missing a number of key players, the Garrycastle boys and girls gave a great account of themselves.
They played two great games, with plenty of determination and skill on view from the youngest players in the club. Particularly prominent for Garrycastle were Jack Tucker, Erin McHugh, Tadhg Mulvihill, Jack Kilmurray, Ella Sweeney, Rory O'Connor, Doireann Keena and James Earley.
After the games all the players were treated to crisps and drinks in recognition of their efforts.
Many thank to the mentors and players from Athlone and Moate for coming in and to the Garrycastle players and their parents for the great support from the sidelines.
Challenge match v. Athlone, August 31st
Our under 6's played their first ever match last Sunday morning in a friendly against local rivals Athlone. A large crowd were treated to an exciting match with both teamsshowing great skill and sportsmanship.
Athlone had the better start with a couple of early scores. However the Garrycastle boys and girls settled into the game and defended well for the remainder of the half. The second half was a closer affair and a goal from Senan Nugent got the crowd to their feet. The final score of the game went to Garrycastle with a fine point from a free by Jack Dowling. Thanks to Athlone for a good sporting game, which no doubt be the first of many times these youngsters will meet.
Match Report : Colin Clyne
Challenge match v. Tubberclair, October 9th
On the evening we had: Conor McCormack, Luke Quilty, Senan Nugent, Darragh Clyne, Rian Gaynor, Conor Deeney, Matthew Hardiman, Van McCay, Oisin O'Donoghue, Simon Skoczen, Louie Shine, Darragh Glennon, Hannah Heneghan, Siun Lyons, Amelie Henson, Dylan Maloney, Keelan Ward, Alex Conner, Trudi Quilty.
The very youngest team in the club took to the field in a hugely entertaining challenge match under lights against near neighbours Tubberclair on Wednesday evening in Garrycastle.
Played on a cold, dry evening, perfect for football, our youngest players ranging in age from 4 to 6 years old gave their all in front of an appreciative crowd of parents and brother and sisters.
For practically all of these players, it was a first experience of playing for the club outside of training matches each week. In later years when they are playing competitive football at whatever age level, we hope that they may occasionally think back to these types of evening, when it was all for the fun of the game itself.
End of year party, 2012
The under-6 age group had their well deserved end-of-year party on Wednesday evening in Krazy Kids, in Blyry. A fantastic turnout saw more than 50 of the clubs youngest members have a ball on the astro pitch, slides, climbing areas, etc. After a healthy (!) feed of chips, chicken nuggets and sausages, washed down with "purple" (as one of the kids called it), everyone of the players was presented with a medal to mark their year by Club and county senior players Doron Harte and Des Dolan.
Our thanks to Doron and Des in taking time out from their busy training schedule leading up to the senior final on Sunday, (c'mon the Castle!).
Huge thanks also to all of the group mentors and parents for helping out during the year, to the transition year students from the Marist College, (Micheal and Donal), who helped out as part of their Gaisce award, and to Cornamaddy NS for the use of the school pitch.
We look forward to do it all over again next year!
A slideshow of pictures from the party is included below (thanks to Des & Deirdre McEnery for all of the photos) ...
Football Nursery Beginnings - 2009
Football Nursery Beginnings - 2009
A decision was made in 2009 to institute a dedicated programme for the youngest members of the club, boys and girls under 6 years of age.
The co-ordinator of the football Nursery was William Leahy, with help from a number of senior players, and juvenile players from the boys and girls teams. The start-up of the football nursery was overseen by Westmeath Games development officer, Eddie Bouabsse.